Leaving school yesterday was full of “last times.” It was the last time I would be in DeHority as a resident; the last time I will ever have an actual roommate; the last time I’ll be living on campus; the last time I’ll have to spend a meal in the dining halls; and more.
My cousin, Allison, graduated this year - I met up with her during my Jr. Marshal duties at Commencement 2012 |
Two years…gosh, that means I’m halfway through my college career already. The last two years have literally changed my life. I am nowhere near the same person I was when I graduated high school. But I suppose that’s one of the greatest parts of college: not only do you learn and receive higher education, you also learn and grow as a person too.
Just this year, I’ve accomplished so much. Take a look back through my blog posts and you’ll read about how BSU beat IU at Lucas Oil Stadium, how I finally went to the Learning Center for help with Stats and ended up with a job (and an A!), how I attended a luncheon with the CEO of Pepsi, how I felt like an honored guest at the Alumni Awards Dinner, how I’ve spent my time on Immersive Learning projects this year, and how I danced in, not one, but two ballroom competitions.
I am so happy to be where I am today. I’ve truly been blessed with a wonderful university, an incredible boyfriend, beautiful friends, and a great family. For what more could I ask? It’s been an incredible year and I’m so glad I got to share it all with you!
For those of you wondering, I’ll be in my hometown this summer, working and saving up some money. Next year, I’ll be returning to Ball State and living in an apartment with three of my best girls. I’m beyond excited to begin my junior year and get started in more classes within my major!
Even though I won’t be returning as a blogger for Ball State next year, I’ll still be keeping a blog – you can follow it here:
For those of you still finishing up school, good luck! Thank you so much for keeping up with me the past couple years; it’s been a pleasure to share my experiences with you. Have a wonderful summer!!