My new job is going swimmingly – I love it! Next week, I have been ensured more hours since I have a mediocre 8 this week. I am honestly disappointed in my lack of hours this week, because I actually like working. Sometimes I feel like a little girl having too much fun on the cash registers, because I love it so much. It’s great, and I can’t wait to spend more time working next week.
Another highlight of my life at the moment is the fact that I will (finally) be finishing up my study abroad project this week! Hooray!! It is coming together quite well, just so you know. I have a feeling I will be very proud of the finished product. I am still amazed that it has now been a month since we returned from Europe; most days, it still feels like a dream.
This past weekend, my best friend from high school got married, and the happy couple is celebrating on their honeymoon as we speak. I am so happy for her, because she has truly found the right guy for her. Plus, it was a beautiful wedding and reception. I am honored to have been part of the wedding party and to have made some awesome new friends!
This summer also finds me dancing again! I’ve realized that dance is an inescapable part of me and that resistance is futile. So I have joined a local dance team that performs at semi-pro football games during the summer. The girls are fantastic dancers and were kind enough to let me join them. Practice feels so good, even if I am super sore the next day. Who knows, maybe I’ll get back in shape this summer!
Summer is also allowing me the opportunity to grow in ways I never could have imagined. Last year, I experienced the greatest form of forgiveness and consequently realized there are many people in my life to whom I owe forgiveness. Holding on to those grudges has only led to misery; letting go of that pain is a rush of freedom. Facing those memories again isn’t an easy task, but opening my heart up to forgiveness (on both sides) allows healing.
It feels like this summer is a time for me to start fresh. There are new people in my life, and this time, I want to do things differently. Already these relationships are founded in something more unyielding, longer lasting. I am growing in my spirituality and feel a renewed strength in my faith each day. This summer has been so refreshing for me – I feel more like myself than ever.
So, that is why I am so happy.
A beautiful bride and her bridesmaids (minus one) on her wedding day!
Just be careful that you don't work too much (realizing that 8 hours in a week probably wouldn't tax even the weakest worker). You'll have plenty of time for working AFTER college. Enjoy your summer; Fall Semester will start soon enough.