It’s been a wonderful Thanksgiving. And it all began with Fruesday…well, maybe I should explain. The Tuesday before Thanksgiving Break has been dubbed “Fruesday” by Ball State University. It is a day on which we have Friday classes on Tuesday, hence Fruesday. The whole idea is to make up for all the Monday holidays we have off, thus missing out on class time those days. I’m not sure how effective it is, but hey, at least it makes us unique!
It’s hard to believe there are only two more weeks of classes and a week of finals before the semester is over. It seems like not so long ago I was just moving in. But I’m thankful to have made it this far!
I’ve had a wonderful Thanksgiving at home with my family. These days, my list of things to be thankful for is growing ever longer – and I’m grateful even for that!
Happy Thanksgiving!
(Psst! Click on the picture to learn about another unique part of Ball State!)
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