Friday, October 8, 2010

Midterms are here...

It’s hard to believe it’s time for midterms already, even though I really don’t have any exams (just a paper to write). So, I thought it would be a good time to write about my classes this semester.

Honors 201 – Humanities – Inquiries in the Ancient World: This class is a LOT of reading. Most of what we’ve done so far has to do with the Greeks. You know, Plato and Aristotle – those kinds of guys. The thing about honors classes though, is that most of the class time is spent in discussion. Instead of a 50-minute lecture, we get to toss around ideas and hear what our classmates have to say. Much more interesting, I think.

Honors 100: This is basically a “Welcome to College” class. It’s one credit hour (as opposed to the usual three) and meets once a week. We have a student mentor who leads the course and basically shares important and interesting things with us. One week, we visited the Art Museum. Another, we had a guest speaker who talked about scholarships with us. My favorite was our trip to a coffee shop in The Village. This is a good chance to ask any questions you have and get to know campus better.

Honors 199 – Social Sciences – Inquiries in Contemporary American Civilization: This class complements my other honors course quite well. There is no reading and only occasional journals and projects. Our class time has been spent discussing popular trends from the last couple hundred years. My favorite topics have been TV shows, toys, and communication.

French 301 – Conversation: I tested into the 300 level of French classes. I was really hoping for this, but I was nervous about taking such a high level course. My French skills in writing are much better than my speaking skills. But I know that a conversation class will be really helpful for me. It’s not been nearly as bad as I had feared. In fact, this is one of my favorite classes. I already feel like I have improved and am looking forward to the rest of the semester. Plus, I’m that much closer to having a French minor!

Dance 100 – Dance History: This class fills my Fine Arts requirement. Besides, I love dance so it’s not much of an inconvenience. There is so much to learn about the history of dance! It’s been a really interesting class. We even danced the Virginia Reel one day!

ISOM 135 – Information Systems & Operations Management: ISOM is part of my core business requirements. It is basically about the relationship between technology and business. I really like our professor (she and I have the same birthday!). The material isn’t all that interesting, but I know it will be important in my future business courses.

Finance 101 – Personal Finance:
This is also one of my BSU core requirements. Every student must take a personal finance course. This class meets once a week and is one credit hour. Basically, it’s a lecture class and it’s up to you to read the material. I scored a 98% on my first test last week!

So there you have it. The first half of my first semester at BSU is already finished!

1 comment:

  1. No exams? You know, "Back when I was in school at Ball State..." not only did we have mid-term exams, we had to walk to classes in the snow -- every semester -- to get to the tests! (But no, they weren't on stone tablets.) ha ha ha

    Glad to hear that the academics are interesting (most of them), challenging, and meaningful. Keep up the 98% (or more) work!!!
