Monday, July 25, 2011

Less Than A Month

For most college students, school starts in less than a month. We will all be heading to our respective universities in a flurry of packing, moving, and unpacking. There will be some tears and much celebration. One life gets left behind, while another is just beginning.

Many of you are excitedly preparing for your first year of college. And if you’re not excited, you should be! I won’t waste time telling you how awesome that first year is, because you can read the rest of my blog for that. But I will share a story with you…

Last night, a friend of mine texted me with a question about buying textbooks for school. She has a friend coming to Ball State for their first year and wanted advice about getting books. There are SO many options; it takes awhile to figure out what works best for you.

My first semester, I made the mistake of buying all my books from the school bookstore – if you want to spend more money than you have to, do it that way. Honestly, it was much easier, but not really worth the expense. The next time around, I took the time to research the best price, saving myself around $200. Finding used books or rentals is really the best way to go. Unless you plan to keep your books, RENT THEM! My personal preferences are and Amazon, and the BSU bookstore when necessary.

Of course, those are just my thoughts on the matter. Maybe some upperclassmen readers can give us their advice? Ultimately though, you just have to figure out what works best for YOU.